Snake Temple

Uh oh, another giant snake.

The good news is that the snake isn’t aggressive – it will only kill you if you insist on standing in its way. The bad news is that you can’t hurt it – if you shoot it in the middle of its body, its tail will break off, but it will quickly grow a new one.

Shoot the snake enough and the arena will fill up with bits of leftover snake tail. Aim your shots carefully and you can use the debris to herd the snake to wherever you want it. You can even force it to crash into itself – but unfortunately this doesn’t do the snake any harm since its body is actually quite squishy.

To defeat the snake you need to herd it so that it runs into something harder than its own body. See the black gate at the top-left of the picture? That’ll do.

Getting the snake to hit the gate can be a bit tricky. The way to do it is to block off two of the routes heading out of the junction leading to the gate, like in the picture. Herd the snake to that junction and it will have no choice but to head towards the gate.

Collision with the gate is fatal for the snake. And the gate.